Antilogos I
There is not just one Prophet, one road.
Not even one Truth.
Δεν υπάρχει μόνο ένας Προφήτης, ένας δρόμος.
Ούτε μοναχά μια Αλήθεια.
Antilogos III
Silver, Recycled Plastic, Textile, Quartz, Agate, Calcite, Aegirine, Jasper
Antilogos II
Antilogos I
Artwork based on Yazan Homsy/Reuters photograph "The Destruction of Homs" (January 27, 2014)
Wood, Recycled Plastic, Paper, Cement, Glass, Agate, Calcite, Aegirine
Has it escaped you that you were born a warrior with a quiver of arrows on your shoulder?
What has been uprooted, sow a seed and plant again.
What has been destroyed, pick up all that remains and build once more.
All those who have done an injustice to you, merely reflect their own past that avenges your own future.
Who shall win after all?
Με φαρέτρα γεμάτη στον ώμο, λησμόνησες πως πολεμιστής γεννήθηκες;
Εκεί που ξερίζωσαν, ρίξε σπόρο και φύτεψε ξανά.
Όπου κατέστρεψαν, μάζεψε ό,τι απέμεινε και χτίσε πάλι.
Όσοι σε αδίκησαν, είναι το δικό τους παρελθόν που εκδικείται το δικό σου μέλλον.
Ποιός θα νικήσει τελικά;
Credits: Gabriel Koutoulias, Sofia Zarari, Nesrin M.